
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas with my family (part i)

For every year of my past twenty-three years, Christmas eve has always been a family affair. As kids, we would get presents all wrapped up and waiting for us under the Christmas tree from all our uncles and aunties as well as our parents' family friends. Simple things like barbie dolls, beads or accessories, and clothes were more than enough to satisfy our young little hearts. Mum would always have the tree up in November, slowing building up our excitement towards the final day as more decorations were added and more presents were gathered below the tree. On the day itself, we would reacquaint ourselves with all the relatives and cousins, answering questions about what we've been up to in the past year, and singing songs together on the karaoke system. Once the clock struck midnight, "We wish you a merry christmas" would come blasting out of the speakers, our aunts and uncles would come and give us a merry christmas hug as well as present us with our gifts.. And once all the fanfare was over, we would rush to our rooms to count the number of presents we had, barely restraining ourselves from tearing them open before all the guests have left.

Gosh I miss those days... I LOVED Chirstmas so damn much.

Now.. three of my uncles don't attend anymore. My younger (favourite) cousins either come very late or don't come at all. The karaoke system is spoilt most of the time and we don't do very much talking. Mum's tree comes up barely a week before christmas and gifts are wrapped only on the day itself! Presents have become a very cold-blooded practical affair where we either get money, or we're given a budget to buy whatever we want.

On one hand, I hate receiving gifts that don't suit me so I must admit I have supported this new system of picking out things I like. On the other, it's as though my relatives have never really bothered to know me.. And  it just makes me sad. :(

Owell... This post does sound rather dreary even though I still enjoyed myself at our christmas celebration ahaha. Pictures will come another day considering the time now! =X

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