
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Morning ramblings

Was it only in March that we said yes to our first home? 

I can't believe that was only 3 months ago.. It feels like AGES ago. >_<

These 3 months have been a whirlwind of activity and I've suddenly become an expert on the whole first time buyer for a resale hdb unit. 

You see.. In the span of 3 months, we first bought the option to purchase, then exercised our option, complete hdb checklist & hle eligibility, get a loan, prepare for first appointment, meet the lawyer, and now settle all the outstanding paper. In less than a month, I will finally have the keys to my new place. 

It's pretty unbelievable. 

On my way to work, I would take the train from Dakota station and catch a glimpse of our block. Sometimes, on the weekend or after work, we would also pass by the estate. Every time I lay eyes on the block, I would be filled with excitement and joy. 

This is where E and I will set up our home, and hopefully have our own family. 
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