
Tuesday, November 24, 2009


i just downloaded Limewire yesterday.. after 3-4 years of NOT downloading songs. And i spent a good 3+ hours downloading songs! Less than 48 hours before my exam ZOMGX.

So distracted. Now i'm thinking about downloading skype too! to keep in touch with my exchange friends.. Many of them don't have MSN. >.< Will do it after my exams.


Friday, November 20, 2009


Hmmm I was just thinking of things i would like to do, and should do while I'm still young. (i may add to this when i think up of more things. :P)

1. Learn how to salsa - preferably go for classes with dear. :)
2. Hiphop classes with Tricia. :D
3. Learn how to use photoshop
4. Go for a manicure and maybe have some acrylic nails! :P

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

hohum. I've decided to start blogging again. :D I feel that life's too short.. and my memory too bad to remember everything that happens in my life. That's why i like to take peektures! :D I recently got into the mood of reading other people's blogs, and listening to them talking about their lives and thoughts... It made me feel like having my own blog, and letting others hear my thoughts too!

Growing up you always feel like you are at the crossroads of your life. Whether it be in secondary school, junior college, or even university. But somehow you always know you will end up somewhere.. Being in the final year of university, i really wonder what life holds for me. I fear being a typical workaholic, working day in and day out, fighting so hard to become the top of the food chain. Am i meant to do something more? Or something different?

I hope one day I will find out.. and for now, I'll just bounce around in limbo.. :P
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