So I ended up the last post saying something really interesting happened. heheh.
We left home around 6.30 which was superrrr late coz the tea ceremony was supposed to start at like 6pm! And on our way there, we received a call from Alicia saying that they forgot to bring the tea set! And they had actually wanted us to go and buy the tea set. o.O
So my mum, ever helpful, drove us to Chinatown where aunty Karen and I ran out of the car onto the streets, then into some Chinese Emporium looking for a Chinese tea set with the "double happiness" characters on the cups and teapot. We looked so ridiculous in our pretty outfits and done up hair (mine especially coz I had a mini hat accessory) running among the dressed down folk in shorts and slippers. It's chinatown yah nobody dresses up to go chinatown. We attracted ALOT of stares. o.O
By the time we reached the hotel I think it was 7.15pm already. Like how late can? And they couldn't start the ceremony without the tea set!
Anyways, I got a lot of peektures to upload in the post. I had a lot of fun that night! So less talk and more peeks! ;)
Here we are waiting for our turns at the tea ceremony.
me, jie & kahyen
the male cousins..
here's tiffany giving dad tea
and her giving mum tea
jie giving tea on behalf of both of us coz we were rushed for time!
We were the last ones! We immediately proceeded to the ballroom after the ceremony and they had this cute photo booth there with a lot of props and accessories!
how ya like this? ;)
with tommo ;)
They look so cute! ahhh my hand how shaky zzz
it looks so cool in the screen!
final piece! I put it up in my room. <3 
spotlight on the stage..
the happy couple
the paparazzi.. yes i'm the paparazzi taking the paparazzi. I found it quite funny heehee.
centerpiece for the table. So pweetty.
food.. (i forgot to take a pic of the shark's fin. guess I was too hungry o.O)
Dad and his whiskey buddies ;)
mum & her siblings
the night view from capella
inside the Spa... They had this cute little sink with stones in them..
the ceiling.. i thought it was a pretty structure
with my 2 cousins.
cousins + sis + yiling (cousin from msia)
me and sis with cousins from Canada.. (:
In the lift, gg to the car park. We were going to drive down to New Asia Bar for the wedding after party.
My and Vernette at Swissotel lobby. Waiting to go up to the bar..
Just nice as we were waiting the happy couple came in and we got to get a pic with them!! (: (pic grabbed from vernette)
And this is the wonderful view from New Asia Bar..
Here's most of the family that went. rest of the ppl were his friends.. (pic grabbed from Vernette)
Dion gave us his card to order whatever we wanted.. So first we order Jaegerbombs..
then the Tequila Shots
And lastly Flaming Lambo...
I drank more than half of the flaming lambo though.. those cowards hahah. 4 of us were supposed to share but they didn't really drink much. I had a fire in my tummy for the rest of the night zzz.
Thevelvetdolls Floral Rhapsody Bustier in Orchid in S
(super in loveeee with this dress =D)