
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Almost Midweek

Nothing really interesting been happening.. Loathe to blog hehh.

As of today. I've been through 4 interviews, and I have mixed feelings about these jobs. It's pretty stressful to go through so many interviews, and there are so many more to come! rahhh.. I still feel uneasy about what career path to take, but I won't jump to the first one that comes along, so I'm making the best decision possible given the circumstances. (:


Sunday I had dinner/supper with gc at Al Ameen. I missed their naan so I kind of dragged him to go eat with me ahaha. (:

me fooling around. :P

omg super YUMS Butter Chicken. (looking at this now is making me hungry >.<)
Garlic Naan, another mad love! Tastes even better than garlic bread! (:

Ameen Makan House
12 Clementi Road
Tel: +65 6774 0637
Open daily 11am-3am


Just to end off this entry, I'm really excited about tmr's TEAMNUS night wootss~~! I specially went to go buy these two items for the event heehee. (:

This is like my favourite nail polish brand! I love all the colours I've gotten so far! Hopefully the black will go with the whole outfit. (:

Hairclip bought from Diva. Absolute loves!!

Hope the whole look tmr will be awesome! :DD

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