I didn't have any real duties the first day. After training i took my own sweet time to shower and when i came back with my subway dinner (which didn't have lettuce coz they ran out!), the freshies and seniors were all playing games before the next activity of the night.
so here's gc stealing the limelight again.. doing a dare with a freshie
Hungry people.. :P
When i look at this, you realise that the young'uns have grown up. They can lead and manage things on their own already. lol. :P
A picture along the night run route by ben. (:
Eveready. I think they are even more ever-ready for camera shots than i am..
Seniors group photo! With ben the ghost. (:
The freshies had htht time at the supper place and played some mass games after. Fabian and I joined Zak's OG for awhile and they were really friendly to us. (: Got to know another ultra-marathoner (crazie person :P)... and shucks i cannot seem to remember the details of the other freshies. =X but at least i think i remember their names! (:
The mass games were a little weird, altho I think the freshies enjoyed themselves nonetheless. :D I felt v irritated with Nic and the way he interfered when B was leading the freshmen. sigh no point complaining about it. I was a little sad that the seniors had nothing to do but watch. It was actually very difficult for the seniors to just chap in coz we don't really know any of the freshies and we are like an outsider to their OG. =/
After supper, everyone walked back and I went back with the supper party to school (in the car! :D). From there, it was a little OTOT and the OGs and their respective OGLs brought them to shower at the different halls/residences. There again, seniors were left to our own devices with nothing to do. But we did have a plan.. well sorta. Jk and E had bought some alcoholic drinks and the jio-ed the seniors to go drink. A brought his own Chivas to drink too.
Sadly, we had to wait around 3plus before they were all back and ready to party. :D Yannick, Jovian, Jk, Jovin, A, Calvin, Gc, Jy, Richard, Sarah T, Eg, Yq all came out to chill. I enjoyed the Chang beer. :D it was niceeee! and not too gassy. (: We played music from my updated songlist in my Samsung teehee. Jovin and I just danced around to the music, and we played pass the ice. Basically when the music stops, whoever is holding the ice has to drink! (:
Unfortunately Yong Qiang got drunk. He was a happy drunk and so cute at that, but he went back to the MPSH and vomitted. And we got a major scolding for that the next day. :(( all my happy memories of that night have been totally wiped away. I had to think very hard before i could remember what i liked about that night..
Some good things did come out of that night.. After drinking, I went with Richard, A and Jovian to Macs for breakfast. (: I got to know Jovian and Richard much better after that interaction. Can't say exactly what about them that I know that makes me say that, but i get a sense that they've become my good friends and we would look out for one another. (:
The next morning, we were treated to a small brief by Azrul. Here's prof Azrul. :P
I tried very hard to sleep during his talk, not to show him disrespect or anything.. I was just very tired and couldn't catch any sleep due to my light-sleeper nature.
Next thing you know, instead of our 2-3hour lunch break, we're rushing off to tapao lunch and prepare for a last minute dry-run. zzz. The girls and I, driven by Richard, went off to Ginza Hawker centre to buy food and drinks for everybody. I brought them to buy $2 siew yoke and/or char siew rice and $1.20 bubble tea. (: cheappp hor?! teehee
We reached West Coast Park and ate our lunches while waiting for the guys to reach. I helped siew prep for her station by drawing wings and bananas on mahjong paper. how lame. :P
When we had about 5 or 6 pple avail and eaten, we started preparing for siew's station first. Me, Mel, Jovin and Jayanta did a dry-run on her station. Running up and down the rope pyramid like what the freshies would be doing later on.
So that's the matrix we were supposed to memorize..
Meiyi and Jovin on the course..
ever-helpful. :P
Moving on.. I like this look on Baldwin. :P
Here's my fellow Game IC ALVIN! It's quite a nice picture of him..
My helpers for our station. (: *tsk tsk* look at fabian's hand..
All hard at work. I felt soooooo bad for making them dig so long.. they couldn't find my little sheets of paper buried in the sand!
I had to modify my game quite significantly after that because it was so difficult to find all the little sheets of paper buried in the sand! My 'helpers' only found 3 out of the 7 sheets of paper, after digging for a long long long time.. Alvin and I dug for another 2 more hours before finding another 2 more. LOL.
Here's my little sheets of paper prepared the night before..

Here's my little sheets of paper prepared the night before..
Anw, I koped pics from T and Ben from fb, and here are the pictures at the other stations. (:
Meiyi doing the dry-run
Seeing this picture.. I hope, I pray, I wonder when my sister will get attached. :P
Muscle Man carrying Eric
Ee Ghim being accused by Jayana
Idividual OG Photos:
Yayyyy. I can cross out ONE event to blog about on my list already. (:
I think this entry a little poorly written tho. =X It's 6.28am now.teehee.
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