
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cross Blog

The cross team has this wordpress blog that everybody contributes entries on the different events. We most recently had a carnival and next thing you know, 3 people, (myself included) posted entries on the blog. This is mine...

Disclaimer: This is a very long-winded post. Read if you can tolerate the emo wish-wash of a graduating student. ;)

I had just made one of the cross country photos my profile picture when I had a moment.. One of those moments that make you sit back and think how far you've come. One of those moments that make you wonder, What was I doing one year ago???

Of course for most of the seniors, I heard cross was a different place then. It was more competitive.

As for myself, I was happily carrying out my second stint as an appointment holder in my faculty club. I was initially very excited for the role as I would be given more responsibility, meet more people, and hopefully learn more and develop stronger leadership and perhaps interpersonal skills. There were drawbacks. Gone were my free days now filled with meetings after meetings after meetings. I constantly met new people, to the extent I had more year 1s on facebook than people in my batch, but I never really knew them. Before I knew it, I was counting down to the end of my term..

3 years in NUS and what did I have to show for it? 2 years of slogging my butt off for my faculty club and 1 semester of exchange. I needed change in my life. I could not keep up this hectic lifestyle nor could I become an antisocial hermit in my final year.

Joining cross was actually something I did on impulse. I had just handed over to the new management committee and was officially free! I was eager to try new things and first on the list was joining Cross. (Not to mention Tricia and I signed up for stanchart marathon and I desperately needed to train up! :P)

I remember being introduced to Mel Tan. She was so bubbly and cheerful and made me feel so welcome despite being such an old fogey. Slowly slowly I got to know the rest of the team, but I still felt a little distant. I was a year 4 amidst the many competent year 1s. I came to training sporadically. I was never really interested in performing well. Just building up my stamina..

And then came Datuk... In 2 days, I bonded with my fellow team mates and Cross-country suddenly become something close to my heart. It was no longer just a cca. I felt motivated to improve, I was eager to know my fellow team mates better. I started coming to every training. I started to hang out with the team and go for outings together. We study together, we have dinner/supper together.
As each month goes by, I get closer and closer to you guys and it makes it harder for me to think about my departure from NUS this coming May.

And then there was the carnival today. You really see the team come together in this carnival. We were each in a 4x100m team, otherwise we played a part in organising and bringing this event together. You truly see team work.. Something that you would normally expect individual long-distance runners to lack.

But the highlight was really Melvin's performance. I always had the mentality that since I joined the team late, I was like a stray they took in. I was really really REALLY touched to hear my name, not just once, but twice in his song. It showed me that he (and therefore the team) feels the same way about me, as the way I feel about them.

My last exam will be in April, marking the end of my university life. I will miss coming to trainings on Tuesday and Friday evenings. I will miss watching each birthday performance and eating the yummy cakes!

Just a little something I want to tell you my fellow team mates..

Even though we've known each other a little less than a year, I sincerely hope we will be friends for life. (:

♥ val

After writing this i felt super saddddd I was leaving. :( I almost changed my fb profile to emoshit lol. But then i'd need to explain to all the kaypohs what it was about lol. 

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