I woke up bright and early last Sunday to go to Universal Studios Singapore. :D Eric's company was having family day and 5 of us, me, jayanta, melvin, madan and eugene were his 'family' for the day. ;P As his 'family', we got tickets at reallyyy subsidised rates - we paid $14 each, and we also got a $10 food voucher. How awesome is that??? :D
We met at 9am (so kiasu right?) at vivo and had a bit of breakfast before walking there. I ate 2 half boiled eggs.. what a badddd idea that was. o_o
on the Sentosa Boardwalk...
hello sentosa~!
us.. :D
I felt so cheated when we reached the end of the boardwalk...
I thought that if we walked over we wouldn't have to pay. But there was still a $1 entrance fee zzzz..
Just inside the entrance..
THey had these really cute statues everywhere.. :D
Our first sight of USS. OMG SO EGGCITED!!
Group peekture!
happy camper. :D
first sights of uss..
human was just ridiculous. -.-"
My half boiled eggs were whipped eggs after these two rides. *bleahs*
Next stop, Revenge of the Mummy! :D
This ride was good too, definitely more mild than battlestar but still exciting nonetheless. The car actually reverses and turns one round.. so that was kinda interesting! (: but I got really giddy coz it was dark and I couldn't see anything.. By the time I came out, I could feel the eggs rising up my throat. :x
Taking a peekture with the tall guy ahaha.
After leaving the world of Ancient Egypt, we went to The Lost World.
We took this pic there. (my idea heehee) I LIKE THIS PIC ALOT!!!
In Far, Far, Away.. with 3 photobombers. -.-"
With Puss in Boots! One of my favourite characters!! <333
Random menu at a restaurant that Eric wanted to eat at.. He was eyeing the fried chicken.. (:
Happy us in the Shrek 4D adventure. It was actually quite good and I totally didn't expect to enjoy myself..
Empty stalls for the Donkey Live show. It was quite a smart performance but a little stale...
Waiting for Waterworld to start.. ;)
The set for waterworld.. No other pictures here.. for obvious reasons.. ;)
We sat on the first row of the 2nd tier soak zone, and boy did we get soaked. >.< They randomly spray pple and throw water on them. Best not to wear a raincoat or carry an umbrella, all the more they will target you!!
Random pics around the place..
Attempt at taking a pic w the car.. I.LOOK.FUNNY. O_O
Hello our very own backstreet boys. (:
Performance by Mel's dinettes. They sang some nice songs. (: I think the guys were riveted by the short skirts.
Me in New York. (:
a shady street. ;p
Us.. (:
That's all the pictures for now. Will blog about the rest in another post. (: