This kid is so cute! and talented too haahh
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Short Update!
I love this picture taken today. We look like a couple of crazy idiots. =P
gosh i really do love my team. (=
Friday, February 25, 2011
Short Update!
I'm so tired.
I have been having trouble sleeping these past few nights.. And today I nearly died at work. Thank god the big boss (who sits right next to me) wasn't in office today. *phew* ;)
Anyway, I have been doing too much blogshopping again hahha. What am I to do? I mean like.. Every blogshop is having Post-CNY sale right now.. gotta capitalize right?
Here's one of my latest purchases. (=

I can't wait to wear it out!
Lockedupstars Off-White Chiffon Overall Playsuit
I have been having trouble sleeping these past few nights.. And today I nearly died at work. Thank god the big boss (who sits right next to me) wasn't in office today. *phew* ;)
Anyway, I have been doing too much blogshopping again hahha. What am I to do? I mean like.. Every blogshop is having Post-CNY sale right now.. gotta capitalize right?
Here's one of my latest purchases. (=
I can't wait to wear it out!
Lockedupstars Off-White Chiffon Overall Playsuit
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
CNY Day 1
LOL this entry is like 3 weeks delayed hahah but better late than never yeah?! (:
Jie and I came home early to wish the parents happy CNY. No tricia chong this year.. the house so quiet.
Daddy & I
Family photo!
Then it was off to my granduncle's house for lunch.
yummy beef stew!
we found an old photo taken more than 20years ago...
My parents with my 5 year old cousin Yan Ting
Isn't she just the cutest?! She's awfully shy though..
Dad with the 4 year old cousin Chloe. (she was awake the whole time but too afraid to wake up)
Dad's sister + husband.
us in our matching LB wear. (=
The parents..
My Grand aunt and her son.
Here's mum at another granduncle's house
Mum + cousins
I managed to squeeze in a visit to J's house! I missed Sandy!!
Then after that was off to dad's friend - Uncle Leslie's house.
Dad at the karaoke with Uncle Leslie.
With nothing better to do.. We Zipaiiii!
So that was 6 houses on Day1. Wowee I didn't realise it was so many..
(haha what a chop chop entry I did it in 5mins.)
Monday, February 21, 2011
Getting off on the wrong side of the bed
Well... Technically my bed has only one side, but today felt like a really bad day. :(
I couldn't sleep last night.. I guess it was probably due to the fact I only got up in the afternoon yesterday. I kept having those thoughts that you normally have when u feel so lost you just don't really know what you're doing with your life.. Where you doubt everything that you've ever known before and wonder what your sorry existence is for. Many emo thoughts.. I haven't been having them that often but when they do happen it really feels like the end of the world. =/
So I think I finally fell asleep at 4am. Come 5am, there is this incessant ringing and ringing and ringing. ohmygod my head felt like it was going to burst! Of course i knew who it was.. My 2 german friends (actually my sister's friends but they become mine too haha) who are staying with us for 2 days. They got the wrong key from my mum so they couldn't open the door!
I silently willed my sister to go open the door. I was so tired..
But the ringing just wouldn't stop and I finally became concious enough to remember my sister sleeps like the dead. The ringing wouldn't affect her at all.
So I dragged myself out of bed to open the door for them then scramble back into bed. Unfortunately sleep seemed out of reach for me again..
Then next thing I knew, I jolted awake with that feeling that something was wrong. the time was 10.20am. I was horrified! Barely 6 weeks of work and i'm like 1hr 30mins late!!!
Gosh everything from there just kinda went downhill and I was kind of in a state of depression/stress/worry.
I'm so glad to finally be home in the comfort of my room. Going to wash up and crash after this..
I really hope tmr will be a better day. (:
I couldn't sleep last night.. I guess it was probably due to the fact I only got up in the afternoon yesterday. I kept having those thoughts that you normally have when u feel so lost you just don't really know what you're doing with your life.. Where you doubt everything that you've ever known before and wonder what your sorry existence is for. Many emo thoughts.. I haven't been having them that often but when they do happen it really feels like the end of the world. =/
So I think I finally fell asleep at 4am. Come 5am, there is this incessant ringing and ringing and ringing. ohmygod my head felt like it was going to burst! Of course i knew who it was.. My 2 german friends (actually my sister's friends but they become mine too haha) who are staying with us for 2 days. They got the wrong key from my mum so they couldn't open the door!
I silently willed my sister to go open the door. I was so tired..
But the ringing just wouldn't stop and I finally became concious enough to remember my sister sleeps like the dead. The ringing wouldn't affect her at all.
So I dragged myself out of bed to open the door for them then scramble back into bed. Unfortunately sleep seemed out of reach for me again..
Then next thing I knew, I jolted awake with that feeling that something was wrong. the time was 10.20am. I was horrified! Barely 6 weeks of work and i'm like 1hr 30mins late!!!
Gosh everything from there just kinda went downhill and I was kind of in a state of depression/stress/worry.
I'm so glad to finally be home in the comfort of my room. Going to wash up and crash after this..
I really hope tmr will be a better day. (:
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Omg cool I'm blogging from the iPhone!
It's almost 7 & I'm still up. I wonder if I can make it for tea tmr. Even worse, I won't sleep early and be completely stoned at work.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
CNY Reunion Lunch
LOL I know I posted an entry on Reunion Dinner some time back, but I have SO MANY photos to upload. I don't have time to blog about them as I wait impatiently for the photos to upload. Hugs backlog of entries lol.
For 4 days. I was an only child.
Never have I missed my sisters more before.. Suddenly all my parents' attention was focused on me. Shan't say more.. Needless to say, it was a very painful four days for me. Jie if you see this, I sincerely hope/pray you don't fly anywhere anytime soon until mei gets back. LOL
Anyway, Reunion Lunch with mum's side of the family has always been a big affair.. Sort of. All the uncles and aunties and the little cousins (not so little anymore) would gather and we would catch up on all sort of random things. It's also a time where I see all my cousins wear the things I picked out for them last christmas heehee. So glad they like it..
This year it was held at Peramakan Restaurant at Keppel Club. In my opinion, I think the food was awful and I have no idea why mum loves that place so much. =/

For 4 days. I was an only child.
Never have I missed my sisters more before.. Suddenly all my parents' attention was focused on me. Shan't say more.. Needless to say, it was a very painful four days for me. Jie if you see this, I sincerely hope/pray you don't fly anywhere anytime soon until mei gets back. LOL
Anyway, Reunion Lunch with mum's side of the family has always been a big affair.. Sort of. All the uncles and aunties and the little cousins (not so little anymore) would gather and we would catch up on all sort of random things. It's also a time where I see all my cousins wear the things I picked out for them last christmas heehee. So glad they like it..
This year it was held at Peramakan Restaurant at Keppel Club. In my opinion, I think the food was awful and I have no idea why mum loves that place so much. =/
The signboard. (yes Peramakan I did not make a typo! =P)
zipai with Dana and Cass
hahah they're so unprepared for the shot. lol
Lo Hei time!
the adult table... (i was seated at the kiddy table haha)
food. The 2nd dish is quite popular tho I have no idea with it is..
Cass, Amanda and Dana. 3 of them are probably the closest coz of their age difference.
Underage drinking! haha.
Me with the older cousins, Vernette, Dion and Annette
Mum with her 2nd sister plus bf, and 1st brother. (haha the labels sound weird)
this time mum with 1st brother, 3rd brother + wife & popo!
2nd sister, 3rd sister + husband, 2nd brother + gf
The Tohs. =)
Me and mum
Probably only nice things there were the desserts! =)
Friday, February 18, 2011
XLB buffet with Eric!
I had a really sian day today.
I had double the normal amt of trades for scanning today. Means double the posting, double the emails, double everything. That on top of my daily work, there's not enough time to make it on time to my dinner. So I was in a perpetual state of stress all day. Kept telling myself hurrr hurry hurry!!
As I was leaving the office, Eric kept calling me. First, he said xlb buffet only starts at 10. I said that's not possible. They told me there are 3 timings! There should be one at 7-ish. Then he called me back, he said yeah got buffet but it's steamboat only. And i'm like.. No I'm pretty sure that there's xlb, check again. Third time, (he got it right this time) yes it's both steamboat and xlb, but it's fully booked.
I had been looking forward to eating my favourite Crystal Jade xlbs all week!! Plus this was a meal I felt I owed Eric. He's like one of my awesomest friends for the past year and like he gave me a treat when he first started working too.
So anw the third time he called me back, he said that it's fully booked, but we can wait until the 10mins after it has started to see if anyone cancelled their reservation. Since he alr got us on the waiting list, I said ok.
So first I was sian coz of the huge volume of work today (and probably my low efficiency). Then now I find out our buffet that we have been looking forward to may be cancelled.
As if i was not sian enough alr, this stupid auntie tried to cut my queue at the mrt gantry. I was in no mood to be bullied, so I didn't let her. And then she went "oh god!" with a very self righteous aggreived tone.. As though I was the one at fault! That really pissed me off.. I mean she's the moron who wants to cut my queue then acts like i'm the bad guy.
Before I can finish fuming about this woman, I receive and sms from dad. He said "Which one of you got a parking fine @ 12.13am 5th feb @ (...) tiong bahru"
My first reaction was to break out in cold sweat and my heart filled with dread. I'm like shit shit shit was it me? How come i don't know about it? What was I doing on the 4th? How come I was in Tiong Bahru area? And then it hit me.. I'm 24 this year! What do I have to be scared of??? Why is my first reaction fear when I see an sms like this? I know in the past it meant caning.. But now I need to wake up and realise I don't need to fear my parents meting out punishments to me. Acknowledge it (if it's mine) and then move on...
It wasn't me btw.
So one sian thing after another. It would have been the icing on the cake if they told me that they were full and they couldn't slot 2 of us for the buffet.

My Favourites are the beef and pork!

Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao
241/241A Holland Avenue
Tel: 6463 0968
Buffet timings: 5-7pm, 7.30pm-9.45pm, 10pm-12am
I had double the normal amt of trades for scanning today. Means double the posting, double the emails, double everything. That on top of my daily work, there's not enough time to make it on time to my dinner. So I was in a perpetual state of stress all day. Kept telling myself hurrr hurry hurry!!
As I was leaving the office, Eric kept calling me. First, he said xlb buffet only starts at 10. I said that's not possible. They told me there are 3 timings! There should be one at 7-ish. Then he called me back, he said yeah got buffet but it's steamboat only. And i'm like.. No I'm pretty sure that there's xlb, check again. Third time, (he got it right this time) yes it's both steamboat and xlb, but it's fully booked.
I had been looking forward to eating my favourite Crystal Jade xlbs all week!! Plus this was a meal I felt I owed Eric. He's like one of my awesomest friends for the past year and like he gave me a treat when he first started working too.
So anw the third time he called me back, he said that it's fully booked, but we can wait until the 10mins after it has started to see if anyone cancelled their reservation. Since he alr got us on the waiting list, I said ok.
So first I was sian coz of the huge volume of work today (and probably my low efficiency). Then now I find out our buffet that we have been looking forward to may be cancelled.
As if i was not sian enough alr, this stupid auntie tried to cut my queue at the mrt gantry. I was in no mood to be bullied, so I didn't let her. And then she went "oh god!" with a very self righteous aggreived tone.. As though I was the one at fault! That really pissed me off.. I mean she's the moron who wants to cut my queue then acts like i'm the bad guy.
Before I can finish fuming about this woman, I receive and sms from dad. He said "Which one of you got a parking fine @ 12.13am 5th feb @ (...) tiong bahru"
My first reaction was to break out in cold sweat and my heart filled with dread. I'm like shit shit shit was it me? How come i don't know about it? What was I doing on the 4th? How come I was in Tiong Bahru area? And then it hit me.. I'm 24 this year! What do I have to be scared of??? Why is my first reaction fear when I see an sms like this? I know in the past it meant caning.. But now I need to wake up and realise I don't need to fear my parents meting out punishments to me. Acknowledge it (if it's mine) and then move on...
It wasn't me btw.
So one sian thing after another. It would have been the icing on the cake if they told me that they were full and they couldn't slot 2 of us for the buffet.
yours truly
Lamb and Beef (they look the same)
Eric's appetizers
Each patron gets 3 prawns LOL.
Slabs of meat. Think they're all pork - normal meat, belly, liver, dumpling and luncheon meat.
My Favourites are the beef and pork!
See eric happily cooking his food. Machiam doing project like that. Must cook to perfection.. =P
Happy people
And bad day over!! Tummy full of xlbs now lalaladedahh~ =D
Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao
241/241A Holland Avenue
Tel: 6463 0968
Buffet timings: 5-7pm, 7.30pm-9.45pm, 10pm-12am
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