I realise I have a lot of short updates hahah. Nowadays I'm just too busy to bother uploading hundreds of photos and comment about everything and anything.
So today is the Sunday before CNY week. I'm so excited.. It'll be a super long weekend (yay), and I'll have super a lot of work to do. Super likely I'll have to stay till quite late to finish up reports for the high vol of work. =X
Anyways, In preparation of CNY week, I'm going to go for a haircut later (hope it's not too horrible) and i painted my nails LIGHT BLUE (i kid you not). It's super not ME hahahha but it's something new to try.. Sarah bought the nail polish back for me from Korea. *beams* It was really sweet of her.. I totally did not expect it. I mean I know I gave her a farewell gift and all, but I did that for MANY of my juniors and they didn't get gifts for me =P And the fact that Sarah bothered with a gift back for me is really heartwarming. =D
I digress.
I was talking about CNY.
The trouble is.. I keep thinking I don't have clothes!! When in actual fact I do have quite a few new clothes. =XX And I just ordered another 3 things... heh.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
2 weeks of work
Today marks the end of 2 weeks of work.
How has it been??
Well.. The first few days were SUPER overwhelming. So many new systems to familiarise and processes to learn. Then soon, I was given one task here, one task there. But mostly I needed to learn everything asap.(it didn't help that I needed to request for each system to be set up individually which can take awhile.. esp when there's a bug)
And then Thursday (yesterday), I was supposed to do everything on my own. And I think I had like 5 major screwups. It was sucha horrible day. I did something, which took quite awhile, then I forgot to save... fml. Had to re-do everything again. Then I had to recall 2 emails, and thus received like 100+ notifications. seriously.. I AM INFAMOUS NOW. -sighs-
But u know the saying, tmr will be a better day. And so today was better than yesterday. I mean seriously... It could only go up from there.. That was an all-time low.
Anyway, I've been so tired after work, I have major backlog of entries to clear.
For my own reference:
How has it been??
Well.. The first few days were SUPER overwhelming. So many new systems to familiarise and processes to learn. Then soon, I was given one task here, one task there. But mostly I needed to learn everything asap.(it didn't help that I needed to request for each system to be set up individually which can take awhile.. esp when there's a bug)
And then Thursday (yesterday), I was supposed to do everything on my own. And I think I had like 5 major screwups. It was sucha horrible day. I did something, which took quite awhile, then I forgot to save... fml. Had to re-do everything again. Then I had to recall 2 emails, and thus received like 100+ notifications. seriously.. I AM INFAMOUS NOW. -sighs-
But u know the saying, tmr will be a better day. And so today was better than yesterday. I mean seriously... It could only go up from there.. That was an all-time low.
Anyway, I've been so tired after work, I have major backlog of entries to clear.
For my own reference:
- Tricia's farewell
- Jb Seafood
- Lunch w GC
- Playnation
- December part iii
Friday, January 28, 2011
I believe in miracles
This video made me cry..
I keep watching it over and over again..
I keep watching it over and over again..
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Short Update!
Dang I've been wanting to finish up some old entries but I never get home early enough to finish blogging about them.
Work's been good. Been given more responsibility now it's scary if I make any error. =X
So far so good. =D
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The Design Closets III
OMG TheDesignClosets just launched a new collection.
It was ALL I could do to NOT buy too many things!
I loved this one in White
I had a hard time deciding, but I eventually bought this dress in Grey
And this dress in Pink.. (blue's really nice too)
And got these 2 dresses in their still available collection for jie:
Pink for her.. (I LOVE THE BLACK!)
And this in Blue
Lucky she buying those 2, Otherwise I would have been tempted to buy 4 dresses!
Chiffon Y Lace Dress
Reiss Lexia Swathed Dress
Eye Front Camisole Dress
Cheong Sum Bodycon
Prints Ruched High Bandage Dress
Chiffon Y Lace Dress
Reiss Lexia Swathed Dress
Eye Front Camisole Dress
Cheong Sum Bodycon
Prints Ruched High Bandage Dress
Sunday, January 23, 2011
some videos
Watched a bit of TV just now.. I LOVE THESE 2 PERFORMANCES!
American Idol - Brett Lowenstern
Live to Dance - Bev and Hap
American Idol - Brett Lowenstern
Live to Dance - Bev and Hap
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
TOo tired to do anything
It's funny how I don't feel like doing ANYTHING after I end work. I come home. Eat my dinner, and then KO.
okayy. on second thought, it's kinda sad. :((
I'm not feeling so well today, felt like throwing up on the train ride home.. :((
Will just post one picture of my outfit yesterday.. Didn't bring my awesome camera out but owell. I still look good heehee.

I'm so loving the red bag mum gave me. ;)
Pearlavish Checkered Zipper Jacket in Black
Agneselle Ruffle Work Dress
Black heels from C&K
Red Bag from Rabeanco
Monday, January 17, 2011
First Day of work
OMG I am so psyched after my first day of work. A lot of admin and starting at the screen. Very repetitive. All the programs look so foreign and that are so many things I don't understand.
That said, I think it's doable and I may even enjoy myself hurhur. I like these kind of menial checking make everything is in order kind of thing... (i think).
And my boss is nice heehee she treated me to lunch today!
That's all the update ya going to get. I didn't sleep a wink at all last night. TOO kanchiong ahahah. I DIEDDDDD so horribly today argh. =X
That said, I think it's doable and I may even enjoy myself hurhur. I like these kind of menial checking make everything is in order kind of thing... (i think).
And my boss is nice heehee she treated me to lunch today!
That's all the update ya going to get. I didn't sleep a wink at all last night. TOO kanchiong ahahah. I DIEDDDDD so horribly today argh. =X
Sunday, January 16, 2011
My last day of freedom
Oh crap. It's almost 12 already! I need to go sleep!! Quick short entry ok?!? heehee
The plan for today was quite simple.. really. ONE, I was supposed to furnish some of my personal documents etc for work.. It required some printing, scanning and uploading. TWO, I was supposed to go shopping with Xt for some necessities. Real simple right??
Well.. you know that saying that Nothing EVER goes according to plan..
First, Xiuting msned me to say she wasn't feeling well, but see how. And that she couldn't meet me at the stipulated 6.30pm at Bugis. Maybe later. -.-'' okkkkk...
Then when I got home to run my little errands, the printer was disconnected (sigh).. Thankfully daddy was back from his trip so he fixed that up easily enough. So I did finally manage to print. HOWEVER, the scanner chose to die on me after that and I couldn't go to dad for help coz he was taking a nap. :(
Next, I thought okayyy nvm, let's go online to see what else I need to prepare so I can the rest tonight or tmr or smth.. guess what??? The stupid internet was down FML.
Then I realise I left my phone at home, which I needed to contact xt right?? So I didn't get anything done in the 2 hours I was at my parent's place.. Go back home to get my phone only see an sms that she's not well enough to go out. FMLx2
So I call jie and she's like yeahh she's free may join me at 830.
It was 7pm and I had nothing better to do so I just went to town first. I knew what I needed to get and went straight to Metro @ Paragon. They didn't have the design I wanted. Then it was off to Robinsons, Marks & Spencer and then OG.
IT WAS SUPER SIAN I TELL YOU. They all carried the brand I was looking for (except Marks&Spencer but I was willing to settle for substitutes there). They just DID NOT have the correct colour and size!! FMLx3
I couldn't believe my eyes when I finally found it in OG. I guess OG is really quite ulu and there's nothing much there ahahaha. So mission accomplished (like finally). I called jie at like 8.50 and she's like oh she can't join me.. but that was expected lah. I kinda knew she would pangseh, but it still kinda sucked after a frustrating evening.
And to top off my wonderful night, I reached the bus stop just in time to see 111 ramble by. Next bus 18mins. FMLx4
FML >.<
The plan for today was quite simple.. really. ONE, I was supposed to furnish some of my personal documents etc for work.. It required some printing, scanning and uploading. TWO, I was supposed to go shopping with Xt for some necessities. Real simple right??
Well.. you know that saying that Nothing EVER goes according to plan..
First, Xiuting msned me to say she wasn't feeling well, but see how. And that she couldn't meet me at the stipulated 6.30pm at Bugis. Maybe later. -.-'' okkkkk...
Then when I got home to run my little errands, the printer was disconnected (sigh).. Thankfully daddy was back from his trip so he fixed that up easily enough. So I did finally manage to print. HOWEVER, the scanner chose to die on me after that and I couldn't go to dad for help coz he was taking a nap. :(
Next, I thought okayyy nvm, let's go online to see what else I need to prepare so I can the rest tonight or tmr or smth.. guess what??? The stupid internet was down FML.
Then I realise I left my phone at home, which I needed to contact xt right?? So I didn't get anything done in the 2 hours I was at my parent's place.. Go back home to get my phone only see an sms that she's not well enough to go out. FMLx2
So I call jie and she's like yeahh she's free may join me at 830.
It was 7pm and I had nothing better to do so I just went to town first. I knew what I needed to get and went straight to Metro @ Paragon. They didn't have the design I wanted. Then it was off to Robinsons, Marks & Spencer and then OG.
IT WAS SUPER SIAN I TELL YOU. They all carried the brand I was looking for (except Marks&Spencer but I was willing to settle for substitutes there). They just DID NOT have the correct colour and size!! FMLx3
I couldn't believe my eyes when I finally found it in OG. I guess OG is really quite ulu and there's nothing much there ahahaha. So mission accomplished (like finally). I called jie at like 8.50 and she's like oh she can't join me.. but that was expected lah. I kinda knew she would pangseh, but it still kinda sucked after a frustrating evening.
And to top off my wonderful night, I reached the bus stop just in time to see 111 ramble by. Next bus 18mins. FMLx4
FML >.<
Friday, January 14, 2011
Wrapping up December (part ii)
So ok this is the 2nd post for december. It just covers one event. ;)
Daddy's birthday was on the 17th of December, and we decided to go to Long Beach at Dempsey for seafood! Gosh I love seafood!!
It was a Friday night and Dempsey was SUPERRRR crowded. >.< It was so hard to find a parking lot and there was sucha long queue outside Dempsey ughhh. But at least mum had a reservation so we skipped the queue! :D
Okayy peektures!
Dad and Tricia
We were seated in front of the tanks with HUGE crabs!
Dad and his angels ;)
Mum and popo..
Deep Fried tofu.. Not bad.. Abit normal tho. it's tofu after all hee. :D
Soup! what do you think it's for? ;)
LOBSTER! We could eat it raw or cook it!
Deep Fried baby squid
Butter crab! MAD LOVE! :D
Black Pepper Crab
I couldn't take pictures of anymore food after the crab aaha. Fingers were too dirty. =X
And so.. no photos of food. WE camwhored. ;)
The sisters <3
We went to Capella to pick Tom up..
Us fooling around again..
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wrapping up December (part i)
Ok I have been dragging my feet to do up my December entries. You know how it is when you have backlog and you can't seem to dredge up any drive to finish it up.
Well, here's Part one of wrapping up December. :)
Easy A with XT
Xiuting and I wanted to watch Easy A, but by the time we got to Cathay to buy tickets, they were all sold out. >.< So in a desperate search for an empty theatre on a weekday night (go figure), we could only watch it at Filegrade at Iluma.
Have you been to Iluma??? It was super crowded taking the train there, super crowded walking through the crowds, super crowded along the road outside Bugis Street.. Seriously deserted inside the building. Probably saw less than 15 people in the building (excluding ppl that worked there think they were approximately 15 of them too)
The cinema was EMPTY. like maybe only 8 seats or so taken. Damn WOW right?
Ok so peektures! ;)
Us on the train. ;)
Iluma.. So much empty space...
looks deserted right???
in the toilet ahahahah (what's new)
Our $8.50 weekday tickets. (OUCH!!)
us waiting for our KOI bubble tea
in the theater.. It was disappointingly normal.
Sebastian's Farewell
Sebas was flying off at 6am and for some reason, lq picked me at 2am, so we were like really early.
I was super hungry so we ate at some place called Wang Cafe.
Was so hungry that I forgot to take pics of the food LOL. I ordered Chicken Mararoni.. It wasn't spectacular or anything but it served it's purpose of filling my stomach. ;)
Lq and I..
Group photo! Not bad for a zi pai shot hor?? ;D
With Lq and Dan
Our feet ;)
Group Shot!
lq looks sad to see seb go..
the guys .. dan's eyes closed.
the july babies.. (wahlau i feel so left out)
the guys again
Seb and Eun. Hope everything will work out for them this one year. (:
some xmas decor at the airport
last pics at the airport before home sweet home..
CWA Xmas Luncheon
I had a draft of these photos, wanted to post them up but totally forgot to so owell, just squeezing them in here!
I grabbed these off facebook. ;)
I have a bad habit of looking down..
I grabbed these off facebook. ;)
I have a bad habit of looking down..
Nice super bright and glam pics! ;)
the final eight.
My favourite peekture of the night! :D
My new twitter profile peekture! ;)
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